Friday, September 14, 2018

News for 9/10

Thank you to everyone for coming to the Back to School Night on Tuesday. It was great to see you all! We are very excited about this year and are looking forward to sharing all of our learning! If you were able to join us the slide show from the night is linked below. Please let us know if you have any questions!

TAG Back to School Night Presentation

Thank you to Mr. Sesh Natarajan, Mr. Di Wu, and Mr. Wulf Sullivan for serving as our TAGPAC representatives for this year. If you would like to receive emails with updates from the district Parent Advisory Council from them please email Mr. Sesh Natarajan at and you will be added to the email list. 

There are two opportunities for TAG families coming up the week of 9/24. Please see the flyers below for more information.

1st Grade Talent Development
First graders had a great week continuing to learn about our Depth and Complexity icons.  We covered Ethics, Big Idea and Over Time this week.  We discussed the story of Cinderella as it related to Ethics, made posters to show our Big Ideas, and created timelines of our lives to relate to Over Time.  We are having a great time!

2nd Grade Talent Development
Second grade completed their novel study of "Lola Levine-Drama Queen" this week. We really enjoyed Lola's quirky character! 

The students have also been working on Depth and Complexity Icons. We have focused on Details, Multiple Perspectives, and Language of the Discipline. They put the icons to use in a project that had them thinking about their future occupations. The world is in good hands with these future professionals! Friday was STEM Challenge day. The students were given one piece of paper and challenged to create the longest chain they could. This worked on problem solving, critical thinking, and team work. We had a great time thinking outside the box!

3rd Grade Math
Third graders have been exploring decimals this week.  We went on a hunt for decimals up to the hundredths place around our classroom, related decimals to money, showed our knowledge by shading in number lines, metric rulers, grids and circles and ended the week with a fun card game to make the largest decimals we could.  We are learning a lot and having fun!  3rd grade students also began Spanish instruction this week.  We will have language enrichment weekly on Wednesdays from 10:10-10:35.

4th Grade Math
Fourth graders have had a great week showing their knowledge of decimals to the thousandths place.  We have rounded, compared, added and subtracted decimals up to the thousandths place.  They have worked hard on all of their assignments and done a great job of showing perseverance through complicated tasks.

5th Grade Math
Fifth graders have wrapped up our first unit of learning this week.  We have spent the week converting between fractions, decimals and percents.  We've discussed real world applications for these numbers, used conversions to do some puzzles, and classified our learning into 'Always, Sometimes, Never' statements, among so many other things.  We ended the week today with a test over Unit 1: Equivalent Representations and Uses of Numbers.  Grades will be in HAC by Monday 9-17.

3rd Reading
Third grade continued their study of "The Great Shelby Holmes". They are recording details from the text and plot. Students checked in on their Growth Mindset goals and made plans for this month for how to continue moving forward. These goals are loaded into SeeSaw and ready to share with families next week. They also wrote a letter about a pleasure book that they were reading. We will begin recommending books next week.

4th Reading
Fourth grade checked in on their Growth Mindset goals this week and made plans for the rest of the month. They have loaded their goals into SeeSaw to share with their families next week. 
The students are almost done with their "Wonder" novel study. They have been working hard to show deep thinking and make connections to the characters and text. 

5th Reading
Fifth grade did a check in with their Growth Mindset goals this week and developed a plan. The goals are loaded into SeeSaw to share with families next week. They have also been working on their novel "Chasing Vermeer". We did take a break from our novel mid-week to work on a genre project. Students were paired and given a genre to present to the class. They were allowed to be creative in their presentation method and they did an excellent job. We will be loading those projects to SeeSaw next week as well. 

Have a great weekend, see you next week!

Important Dates:
9/18 Homeroom Parent Meeting- 7:45am
9/20 Coffee Chat in library- 7:45am
10/8 Fall Conferences- Student Holiday
10/9 Student Holiday 

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