Friday, February 16, 2018

News for 2/12

Happy Valentine's week! We had a great week filled with learning and celebration. February is almost over and we are moving full steam into spring!

3rd Grade- 
Third grade began their study of perimeter and area this week. They are learning through a hands on project. Each student has been tasked with designing a tiny house and then turning that design into a 3D creation. They must calculate the perimeter and area of each item included in their house. These houses will be on display in the library when completed. 

4th Grade-
4th graders have spent the week creating animal zoos.  They were given requirements for the area and perimeter of their zoo and number of animals required.  They have really taken off with the project, and have been so creative in their use of space, naming exhibits and including "extras" in their zoo.  Finished projects will be up in the hall next week!

5th Grade-

5th graders have had a great week studying measurement conversions across systems and scale factors.  We have really solidified the idea that using proportions makes so much sense when converting and using scale factors.  Students have been excited to see how using a proportion makes it so much easier when multiplying and dividing tricky numbers!  We wrapped up the week with a preview of the snack wrapper scale factor project we will do next week. Students were given 1" squares from a mystery picture and transferred the picture to a 3" square sticky note.  They quickly figured out the picture was the 2018 Olympics logo, and enjoyed the process of finding the scale factor of 1:3 for the two pictures.  They are excited to start their own scale factor projects next week.  Don't forget to send in snack wrappers no bigger than 6" square!  ​

ELA Enrichment & ISP:

1st Grade- 
First graders spent the week doing various activities.  We spent two days in the library, working on finding books for our ISP topics.  All students have narrowed their choices down to three, and we are working on thinking of deep questions for these topics.  We also created a Valentine glyph heart about ourselves and studied the mascot of the 2018 Olympics, Soohorang.  It's been a great week filled with diverse learning topics!

2nd Grade-
Second grade has been hard at work seeking out resources for their ISP topics. They have also been completing their reading of "The Unlucky Lottery Winners of Classroom 13".

3rd Grade-
Third grade has been working hard on their ISP topics this week. However, we ended the week with a very special treat. The students were able to have a skype interview with Liesl Shurtliff, author of our novel "Rump". The students loved the surprise and had a great time asking fabulous questions! 

4th Grade-
Fourth grade had a blast competing in their Lemoncello card tournament this week! The kids were engaged and used strategy to win their matches. We will continue the tournament when we return next week. Who will the champion be?!

5th Grade-
Fifth grade was hard at work on their ISP and think tank projects. Several students are coming close to completing their tasks. One student implemented her desalinization invention yesterday. She is hoping to see if she can remove the salt from water with her new invention.

Have a wonderful holiday break and see you next year!

Important Dates:
2/19-20 No School- Student Holiday
2/23 Multi-cultural Fair- 5:30pm
2/27 PTA Meeting-6:00pm
2/274th Grade Performance- 6:30pm

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